Board of Directors

The head of The URI Foundation & Alumni Engagement reports to a volunteer board of directors, listed below.

Board of Directors: Executive Committee

The Executive Committee is made up of officers, board committee chairs, and at-large members. Membership includes the following individuals:

Chairman of the Board
Raymond M. Williams ’87 P’21
Vice Chair
Kevin M. Lopes ’05
Vice Chair / Marketing and Communications Chair
Diane Chace Fannon ’74
Jesse Baker ’96

Development Committee Chair
Richard J. Harrington ’73 H’02
Treasurer and Finance Committee Chair
Trudy C. Coleman ’86 M.S.’92 P’19 P’21
At-Large Member
Kenneth J. Hylander ’80
Alumni Engagement Council Chair
Dr. Susan Greenberg Forman ’69 M.S.’71
Governance Committee Chair
Sandra G. Parrillo M.B.A.’93
Audit Committee Chair
John J. Brough, Jr. ’78 P’11
Investment Committee Chair
Michael Ice ’81

Board of Directors

Michael K. Andreozzi ’88
Rachel Barber ’91
Dr. Dea T. Belazi G’01
Marcia A. Costello ’77
S. Kent Fannon ’74
William Flynn ’75
Steven R. Frazier ’07
Marianne Gattinella ’79
Louis R. Giancola
Jay Hart ’82 ’85 P’18

Harold Horvat ’82
Kenneth J. Hylander ’80
Michael Ice ’81
Deb Imondi ’83
Allison Ladd ’96
Daniel G. Lowney ’75
Sulina M. Mohanty ’07
Colleen Gouveia Moulton ’98
Nicole C. Noya ’00
John V. Priore ’87
Andrea Tarbox ’75

Ex-Officio Members

Marc B. Parlange, President, University of Rhode Island
Margo L. Cook, Chair, University of Rhode Island Board of Trustees
Senator V. Susan Sosnowski

Board Committees

  • The Alumni Engagement Council informs and engages current and future alumni as committed partners of the University, its mission and traditions and assists the URI Foundation & Alumni Engagement Board of Directors in carrying out its oversight responsibilities related to engagement. The Council is responsible to ensure alumni-related engagement activities reflect the University’s mission of teaching, research, and community service.

    Council members are selected because of their expertise, experience, and interest in matters related to alumni engagement. In addition, Chairs of the Alumni of Color Network, Women’s Council, and Young Alumni Council serve on the Alumni Engagement Council. The Chair and Vice Chair are appointed by the Chair of the Board of Directors of the URI Foundation & Alumni Engagement.

    Dr. Susan Greenberg Forman ’69 M.S.’71

    Alumni of Color Network Co-Chair
    Cyntoya Simmons ’14

    Alumni of Color Network Co-Chair
    Robert W. Britto-Oliveira ’06, M.S.’11

    Women’s Leadership Council Chair
    Melena Schug ’19

    Young Alumni Council Chair
    Stone Freeman ’19, M.A.’21

    Global Ambassador Representative
    Attila Balogh, M.B.A.’22

    Student Alumni Association Representative
    Katie Torlai ’25

    Student Senate Representative
    Argha Goswami ’25

    Michael E. Giblin ’07, M.A.’09
    Rachel Quimby ’13
    Dominik Richter ’18
    Luckson Omoaregba ’16 G’18

  • Committee Charge and Responsibilities
    The Audit Committee will assist the Board of Directors in fulfilling its responsibility to provide oversight of management regarding: (1) URIFAE’s systems of internal controls and risk management; (2) the integrity of the URIFAE’s financial statements; (3) the URIFAE’s compliance with legal and regulatory requirements and ethical standards; and (4) the engagement, independence and performance of the URIFAE’s independent auditors.

    John J. Brough, Jr. ’78 P’11

    George J. Bedard ’78
    Kyle D. Flynn ’07 G’08
    Christopher L. Franklin, Sr. ’88 P’16
    Harold Horvat ’82
    Roxanne M. Pettiway ’97 G’03 P’19
    Donald P. Sullivan ’71
    Raymond M. Williams ’87 P’21 (ex officio)

  • Committee Charge and Responsibilities
    The Development Committee to oversee the fundraising operations of URI Foundation & Alumni Engagement.

    Richard J. Harrington ’73 H’02

    Michael K. Andreozzi ’88
    Lauren Baker-Hart ’81P’18
    Geraldine M. Barber ’70
    Gregory P. Barber
    James P. Clappin ’80 P’17
    Wendy P. Field ’74
    Danny S. Johnson ’82 P’07
    John P. McKee ’72
    David H. Moore ’81
    Frederick J. Newton, III ’78
    John V. Priore ’87 P’07 P’12 P’20
    Shiela I. Priore P’07 P’12 P’20
    Cynthia Davis Sculco ’65
    Rick S. Strickhart ’70
    Andrea Tarbox ’75
    Christopher S. Yun ’88
    Raymond M. Williams ’87 P’21 (ex officio)

  • Committee Charge and Responsibilities
    The Finance Committee will assist the Executive Board in fulfilling its fiduciary responsibility by providing financial oversight of Foundation operations and ensuring that there are sufficient financial resources for management to carry out the mission of the Foundation. The Committee oversees the preparation of the annual budget and ensures that budgets and interim financial statements are prepared and approved in a timely manner.

    Trudy C. Coleman ’86 M.S.’92 P’19 P’22

    S. Kent Fannon ’74
    Steven R. Frazier ’07
    William Flynn ’75
    Louis Giancola ’67
    Ronald P. Joseph ’67
    Vincent A. Marseglia ’74 P’14
    Raymond M. Williams ’87 P’21 (ex officio)

  • Committee Charge and Responsibilities
    Per URIFAE Bylaws, the Governance Committee with responsibilities including: annual mission and bylaw review; board recruitment and development; board, trustee and committee nominations; board policy review; board protocol; and other charges as assigned.

    Sandra G. Parrillo M.B.A.’93

    Brandon F. Brown ’11 G’14
    James P. Ferrara ’89 P’24
    Marianne Gattinella ’79
    Kenneth Hylander ’80
    Allison Ladd ’96
    Sulina Mohanty ’07
    Kathleen P. O’Donnell-White ’90 P’22
    Sandra G. Parrillo M.B.A.’93
    Raymond M. Williams ’87 P’21 (ex officio)

  • Committee Charge and Responsibilities
    The Investment Committee will assist the Executive Board in fulfilling its oversight for the investment assets of URIFAE, particularly the endowment, in conformity with investment policies reviewed and approved by the Board. The Committee will be responsible for formulating the overall investment policies of URIFAE and monitoring the management of the portfolio for compliance with the investment policies and guidelines for meeting performance objectives over time.

    Michael Ice ’81

    Jesse Baker ’96
    Wendy P. Field ’74
    Michelle Chicoine Goldman ’77
    Jay Hart ’82 G’85 P’18
    Deborah Imondi ’83, M.B.A. ’86
    Leonard A. Reinhart ’77
    Christopher Vasoli ’90
    Raymond M. Williams ’87 P’21 (ex officio)
    Christopher J. Wolfe ’91

  • Committee Charge and Responsibilities
    The Committee on Advancement and Communications Strategy provides strategic guidance and thought leadership to the URIFAE Board in the interest of promoting the University of Rhode Island as a leading research university with global reach.

    Diane Chace Fannon ’74

    Lisa DeStefano
    David Hall
    Kevin Lopes ’05
    John J. Palumbo, Sr. ’76
    Bill Tavares ’87
    Meaghan K. Wims ’02
    Raymond M. Williams ’87 P’21 (ex officio)



Bylaws for the URI Foundation & Alumni Engagement, effective as of the merger of the University of Rhode Island Alumni Association and the University of Rhode Island Foundation.